Learn To Trade The Forex Market (Part 1)



FOREX (Foreign Exchange) or more commonly known as Foreign Exchangeis a type of trade / currency trade transactions of acountry against another country's currency exchange market involving keythe world for 24 hours at a time(See trading hours).
Forex market with the opening movement of the market that New Zealand & AustraliaStarting from 5:00 to 14:00 pm, go to the Asian market, Japan, Singapore &Hongkong, which began at about 07:00 to 16:00 pm, followed by marketEurope, Germany & UK, which began at about 13:00 to 22:00 pm, followed byAmerican market which was held at about 20:30 to 10:30 pm. In progressHistorically, central banks owned by foreign countries, the largesteven be beaten by an independent forex market strength.
According to the survey BIS (Bank for International Settlements - the world's central banks), whichdone at the end of 2004, the forex market transactions at more thanUSD $ 1.4 trillion a day. Thus, false forex investment prospects are verynice.
Based on the liquidity and vibrancy of the high price movements,FOREX has become the most popular alternative for ROI (Return OnInvestment or the return value of investments that we have grown) and the profit will beearned more than the value of trade in general (the average return rangingmore than 5% - 10% per month, but can reach more than 100% per month to professional traders). Due to the rapid movement, the FOREX riskhigh when you do not have sufficient knowledge and organization andwith good financial management and wise.
Many traded currency is the U.S. Dollar, Pound, Euro,Yen, Swiss Franc, Australian Dollar, Canada Dollar, and Dollar New Zealand.